WIP Joy Challenge - Day Twenty-Nine: How Long Do You Expect To Be Working On This WIP?

For the month of January, I'll be taking part in the WIP Joy Challenge, created by Bethany A. Jennings (found via a share from Adam.C.Macdonald).

(Please note, protagonist takeover week has now finished, and entries are once again written by myself.)

Hopefully not too much longer! lol

I'm on 43k right now, so about half-way there.

When I started writing during NaNoWriMo, I had hoped to have this finished by the end of December, but life got busy.

And while I'm making slow and steady progress now, I also have other things going on including a release in two weeks (!!) and a short-story I'm working on for a charity anthology.

I'll be pretty miffed if I haven't finished the first draft by Easter thought, and aim to get done with revisions etc. by the end of the year.

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